As of version 3, you can now disable Privileged commands for particular users to ensure your company standards are adhered to and no unauthorised users can edit them.  You can do this either during installation, or post installation.

The Settings and Manage Transmittals commands are Privileged commands.

Post Installation

Use Microsoft Windows Run command to change this option in the config file.

  1. Ensure Autodesk® Revit® is not running.
  2. In Windows Search, Type Run and select the Program to open it.
  3. Type/Paste the following command:

    "C:\Program Files\Xrev Transmit\XrevTransmit.exe" SHOWPRIVILEGEDCOMMANDS=0

    Would turn the Privileged commands OFF.

    "C:\Program Files\Xrev Transmit\XrevTransmit.exe" SHOWPRIVILEGEDCOMMANDS=1

    Would turn the Privileged commands ON.

  4. Select OK to run the command.

    This command requires Administrator privileges to complete. If you do not have Administrator privileges you will be prompted via UAC for a Username/Password.

  5. Restart Autodesk® Revit®.  The Xrev Transmit Privileged commands will now be disabled.

Hide specific parts of the Settings

It is also possible to hide specific sections of the Settings dialog.  This can be done by modifying the XrevTransmit.exe.config file in the installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\Xrev Transmit).  The relevant parts of the config file are shown below (for brevity, we've omitted lines that aren't relevant for this purpose).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section name="Xrev.Transmit.Windows.Settings" type="Xrev.Transmit.Windows.Settings.Configuration.SettingsConfigurationSection, Xrev.Transmit.Windows" />
  <Xrev.Transmit.Windows.Settings ShowIssueSettings="True"
                                  ShowContactSettings="True" />

Specifically, line 5 declares the Xrev.Transmit.Windows.Settings configuration section and lines 9-20 specify which sections should be visible in the Settings dialog.  Change the corresponding setting to False to hide that section.