Supersede Command Line Interface (CLI)

Supersede Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Supersede utility is a console application that can be used from a terminal (such as the Command Prompt in Windows, or Windows Terminal), a script (such as a batch file), or another program like Xrev Transmit.

The utility provides several commands that specify the action to be performed (for example, File to process a specific file, or Folder to process all files in a specific folder), as well as options that modify the utility’s default behaviour (for example, --Dry-Run to test a command without actually doing anything).

You can see a list of the supported commands and options with help.


Commands specify the action to be performed.

The Supersede utility provides commands to process a specific file, all files in a specific folder, all files listed in a particular file, or all files in folders listed in a particular file.


Performs the configured superseding operations on the specified file.

Supersede.exe File P:\Projects\P123\Exports\2022-02-03\A001 - Title Sheet (2).pdf


Performs the configured superseding operations on the files that are listed in the specified text file.

Supersede.exe Files Files.txt

Where Files.txt is a text file that lists the files to be processed, for example:

P:\Projects\P123\Exports\2022-02-03\A001 - Title Sheet (2).pdf P:\Projects\P123\Exports\2022-02-03\A002 - Site Plan (2).pdf P:\Projects\P123\Exports\2022-02-03\DWGs\A001 (2).pdf P:\Projects\P123\Exports\2022-02-03\DWGs\A002 (2).pdf


Performs the configured superseding operations on all files in the specified folder.

The Folder command supports the search pattern option (-s or --Search-Pattern):


Performs the configured superseding operations on all files in the folders that are listed in the specified text file.

Where Folders.txt is a text file that lists the folders to be processed, for example:

The Folders command supports the search pattern option (-s or --Search-Pattern):


Search Pattern | -s or --Search-Pattern

Specifies a file search pattern for matching files to be processed in a specific folder or list of folders.

In the above example the search pattern will restrict the set of files processed from the specified folder to only the files that have the .pdf extension.

The search pattern can contain a combination of valid filename characters and wildcard (* and ?) characters, but it doesn't support regular expressions.

Dry Run | -d or --Dry-Run

Performs a dry run showing the actions that would be performed without actually executing them.

With dry run enabled, the utility will report that a operations have been Skipped.

Overwrite | -o or --Overwrite

Instructs the Supersede utility to overwrite existing files without prompting for confirmation.

If the overwrite option is not enabled and an operation would cause a file to be overwritten then the utility will prompt for confirmation:

If the quiet option is enabled, and overwrite is not, then the operation will be skipped with a File already exists message:

Prompts | -p or --Prompts

Specifies whether to display various optional confirmation prompts.






No additional prompts will be displayed.

File overwrite confirmation prompts will still be displayed when necessary unless the overwrite option is enabled.

This is the default value.


Displays a single confirmation prompt before any operations are performed.

This is useful in scenarios where the Supersede utility is run automatically as part of another process (for example, as a Post Processing Command) and you sometimes want to skip it.


Displays a confirmation prompt before processing each file.


Displays a confirmation prompt before each file delete operation.


Enables all optional confirmation prompts.

Values other than None can be combined, for example:

Quiet | -q or --Quiet

Suppresses all prompts and file overwrite confirmation prompts.

Verbosity | -v or --Verbosity

Specifies the verbosity of information messages.






Only information messages, warnings and errors will be displayed


Debugging messages will also be displayed


Additional debugging messages will be displayed, and messages will be more detailed

Configuration | -c, --Config or --Configuration

Specifies a folder specific configuration file to be used. The utility will ignore all other configuration sources.

Use Default Configuration | -u or --Use-Default-Configuration

Instructs the utility to use the default configuration sources (for example, any application level configuration in the global Supersede.json file (if it exists), and any relevant folder specific .supersede-config files) in addition to the configuration specified with the configuration option (--Configuration).

Help | -?, -h or --help

You can see a list of the supported commands and options by using the --help option:

You can also get help for a specific command:

Version | --version

Displays the Supersede utility’s version.