Subscription Renewal Process

Subscription Renewal Process

Xrev Transmit is sold on an annual subscription. Your licenses must be renewed each year to continue using the software, otherwise they will expire and the product will no longer function.

  • Subscriptions can be renewed at any time by logging into your Xrev Account and selecting Renew Subscription.

If you don’t want to renew “all” of your subscriptions you can reduce the quantity during the check out process.

  • Approximately 1 month prior to expiry an email will be sent to the account holder as a Subscription Renewal Reminder and for your convenience an Invoice will be attached. You can pay this via:

    • Bank Deposit using the details on the invoice

    • Using the Online Payment Link located in the body of the email as well as on the Invoice

    • Logging into your Xrev Account and selecting Renew Subscription

  • If you do not wish to renew, simply reply to the email advising you do not want to renew and the invoice will be cleared and no further reminders will be sent.

  • Further Subscription Renewal Reminders will be sent as the expiry approaches.

  • A subscription expiry notice will be sent the day after expiry and a further 7 days after.

  • Subscriptions can still be renewed up to 90 days after expiry, however after 45 days past expiry the invoice will automatically be cleared.

  • From 30 days prior to expiry the Software will periodically show a reminder that the license is due for renewal.

Ensure you keep your contact information up to date. Otherwise the reminders may be sent to a user who may have left your organisation. We recommend using role based emails like accounts@company.com to avoid this occurring.

Accepted Payment Methods

Xrev accepts the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card (via SecurePay)
    which accepts VISA, MasterCard

  • Credit Card / PayPal / G Pay (via Stripe)
    which accepts VISA, MasterCard, AMEX & PayPal

  • Bank Transfer

Due to the significant fees involved, we do not accept international bank transfers for amounts less than $100 AUD.


Quotes will not be issued for subscription renewals. If you require a Purchase Order number to be shown on the invoice prior to payment, please send through the PO number and it will be added to the Invoice and re-sent.

Quotes are only provided for new licenses or aligning of subscriptions to the same date.


Xrev is based in Australia. All invoices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and all payments should be made in AUD. The fees and conversion rates for other currencies cannot be anticipated on the actual payment date. So to ensure all our users pay the same and fair amount, we only invoice in AUD. In the future we may support other currencies like USD and GBP.

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