Moving a License to a new machine

Moving a License to a new machine

Moving licenses is not intended to occur frequently.  Licenses are locked to a machine and its only under special circumstances that a license should be moved.  For example: Hardware is being replaced or has failed, the license is on a personal laptop and that user has left the company.  In order to move a license you'll need to follow the below steps:

  1. On the Old Computer within Revit, goto Xrev Transmit->Settings->Help->Licensing->Offline Activation, and copy the text of the "Machine Code". Please no screenshots, there is lots of characters and we want to avoid typo’s.

  2. Email the Machine Code to support@xrev.com.au advising you wish to deactivate this machine. (we'll reply back when we've cleared it)

  3. Uninstall Xrev Transmit From this machine

  4. If you haven't already done so, install Xrev Transmit on the new machine and input the current serial number to activate it.


Xrev allows a limited number of grace activations on your license for annual hardware replacement.  If you intend to replace a large portion of your machines running Xrev Transmit licensing, you will likely reach your activation limit for your serial number.  In this case, please contact Xrev.  Typically we'll request you to provide the list of Machine Codes to be replaced so we can deactivate those machines on our license server.

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