Publishing to Aconex

Publishing to Aconex


Xrev Transmit is the only software that allows you to publish your model and sheets directly from Revit to Aconex.  Lets walk through the steps to upload files to Aconex.

1. Export Files with Xrev Transmit

Before running the Publish to Aconex command you must have previously generated some files in Xrev Transmit using the Print & Export command.  Once you have done an issue you can then run the Publish to Aconex command from the Xrev Transmit panel on the Revit Add-ins tab of the Revit ribbon.

Ensure the format you use has the “Use this format with Aconex” option selected and a Document Numbering Rule defined.

2. Login

Ensuring you have internet access,

  • Enter you Aconex Login Name & Password

Transmit does not currently support Aconex Lobby Accounts. You must use your previous login using a Username and Password. Although this method no longer works directly in Aconex this is still supported through their API and via Transmit.

  • Select the appropriate Aconex Instance based upon your location (the version of Aconex you normally visit through your Internet Browser)

  • Select the Refresh arrow on the right to update the Project drop down with the Aconex Projects you have access to with your account

  • Select the appropriate Project corresponding to your Revit Project

  • Select Next

3. Select Files to Upload

All files that you have previously generated for this project through Xrev Transmit and not yet uploaded to Aconex will display in this list.  Once a file has been issued it will no longer display here.  You can use the drop down at the top to quickly select all, select none or invert your selection or use shift & control left click.  If you have a lot of files in the list and there are only specific files or formats that you need to upload you can organise the grid to be help find things.  For example, if I right click on the Format header I can choose to Group by this Column.

Select some files and choose Next to proceed.

4. Update Information

The Update Information step may take a few moments to retrieve existing document metadata from Aconex.

Xrev Transmit will attempt to match the generated Document Numbers on the files to be uploaded with Document Numbers from existing Aconex documents.  If a match is found then the existing document will be superseded, otherwise the new file will be uploaded and registered as a new document.

Along with the existing document metadata, Xrev Transmit retrieves the Aconex document schema that defines which fields are available, which fields are required, and what values are valid for each field.

Tip: Depending on how many fields the Aconex project is using, this grid can be very wide. You can resize the window to more easily view and update the information.


The grid uses colors to provide visual cues about the document information.

Grey columns indicate read-only information that cannot be modified.

Yellow Columns indicate required (mandatory) fields.

Red cells indicate a required field that is incomplete or invalid.  All required fields must be completed in order to continue.

Publish Type

For new files the Publish Type will be Register.  For existing documents the Publish Type will be Supersede.

Information from Revit

For new files Xrev Transmit populates some of the fields automatically with information from the Revit Parameters.  For example, Document Number, Revision, Title.  The remainder of the required fields must be completed manually.

Bulk Editing

The grid supports bulk editing by allowing selection of multiple rows using Shift+Click and Control+Click and providing a context menu to copy a value to all of the selected rows (Right-Click the cell containing the desired value and choose Copy to Selected).  The context menu also provides some functionality to Reset cells and rows to their original values.


The Revision cannot be edited as it inherits its value from the Revision Parameter value embedded in the document being uploaded.  This is to ensure there are no mismatches.

Sorting and Grouping

The grid supports column sorting and grouping to help you complete the required information by left or right clicking on the column headers.

Formats and Document Numbers

Aconex does not yet offer the ability to have multiple file formats associated to a single Document Number.


Complete all the required fields and choose Next to continue.

5. Ready to Publish

This step provides a final confirmation before starting to publish files to Aconex.

Choose Next to begin publishing files to Aconex.

Note: Files uploaded using Xrev Transmit do not go into the Temporary Documents section, they are immediately available in the live documents ready for Transmitting.

6. Publishing

The files are now being uploaded to Aconex! Once completed select Next to proceed to the final step.

7. Finished

Your files are now on Aconex. Use the Login hyperlink to go to the appropriate Aconex website to Transmit your files to the required recipients.

Transmitting directly from Xrev Transmit is planned for a future release.



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